Entity Controller

Controller is the Entity definition for a "player" AI in the mission.

Subclass of Entity.


GetControllerDir () GetControllerDir returns the direction of the controller - unknown.
GetStartWaypoint () GetStartWaypoint returns the Waypoint object to start for this AI.
GetFollowTarget () GetFollowTarget returns the Entity object this AI is following.
GetControllerType () GetControllerType returns the type of AI controller for this AI player.
GetMoveTargetTag () GetMoveTargetTag returns the tag name of the AI's move target.
GetWorkingZone () GetWorkingZone returns the name of the AI's working zone.
GetRetreatZone () GetRetreatZone returns the name of the AI's retreat zone.
GetMoveTypePriority () GetMoveTypePriority returns the move type priority.
GetAggression () GetAggression returns the aggression of the AI player.
GetMobility () GetMobility returns the mobility of the AI player.
GetCommunicate () GetCommunicate returns the communicate value of the AI player.
IsGroupMove () IsGroupMove returns true if group mode is selected for this AI player.
IsRandMove () IsRandMove returns true if random move mode is selected for this AI player.
IsNeverLeaveZone () IsNeverLeaveZone returns true if the never leave zone flag is selected for this AI player.


GetControllerDir ()
GetControllerDir returns the direction of the controller - unknown.


    A table with "x", "y", and "z" of a direction.
GetStartWaypoint ()
GetStartWaypoint returns the Waypoint object to start for this AI.


    A Waypoint entity indicating the start of the waypoint path.
GetFollowTarget ()
GetFollowTarget returns the Entity object this AI is following.


    An Entity indicating the follow target.
GetControllerType ()
GetControllerType returns the type of AI controller for this AI player.


    A string indicating the controller type.
GetMoveTargetTag ()
GetMoveTargetTag returns the tag name of the AI's move target.


    A string indicating the target tag name.
GetWorkingZone ()
GetWorkingZone returns the name of the AI's working zone.


    A string indicating the working zone name.
GetRetreatZone ()
GetRetreatZone returns the name of the AI's retreat zone.


    A string indicating the retreat zone name.
GetMoveTypePriority ()
GetMoveTypePriority returns the move type priority. (Unknown)


    An integer indicating the priority.
GetAggression ()
GetAggression returns the aggression of the AI player.


    An integer indicating the aggression.
GetMobility ()
GetMobility returns the mobility of the AI player.


    An integer indicating the mobility.
GetCommunicate ()
GetCommunicate returns the communicate value of the AI player.


    An integer indicating the communicate value.
IsGroupMove ()
IsGroupMove returns true if group mode is selected for this AI player.


    A boolean indicating the group move flag.
IsRandMove ()
IsRandMove returns true if random move mode is selected for this AI player.


    A boolean indicating the random move flag.
IsNeverLeaveZone ()
IsNeverLeaveZone returns true if the never leave zone flag is selected for this AI player.


    A boolean indicating the never leave zone flag.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2024-08-15 12:18:22